Ziggy Schema File Structure

File Extension

A Ziggy Schema file can have either a ziggy-schema or a zgy-schema file extension.


Here's an example Ziggy Schema:

root = Message

///A UUIDv4 value.
@uuid = bytes,
///Possible command actions.
@action = enum { clear_chat, ban_user },

struct Message {
  id: @uuid,
  payload: Command | Notification,

struct Command {
  do: @action,
  sender: bytes,

struct Notification {
  title: bytes,
  text: bytes,
  level: int,

A Ziggy schema is comprised of three main sections:

  • the root definition
  • a list of comma separated tag literal definitions
  • a list of struct definitions

The root definition

The first line of a Ziggy Schema defines what is the type of the value that corresponding Ziggy Documents encode.

Most of the time one should expect the root value to be a struct name, but that is not always the case as a Ziggy Document can encode any possible Ziggy value, not just structs.

For example the following are all valid Ziggy Schemas:

root = bytes
root = [int]
root = map[?[float]]
root = [@fruit]

@fruit = enum { apple, banana, cherry },

Tagged literal definitions

After the root definition follows a list of comma separated tagged literals. All tagged literals mentioned in the schema must be mentioned in that list of definitions.

root = [Foo]

@uuid = bytes,
@date = bytes,
@fruit = enum { apple, banana, cherry },

struct Foo {
  id: @uuid,
  date: ?@date,
  fruits: [@fruit],

Struct definitions

The final section of a Ziggy Schema file is a list of struct definitions.

root = [A | B | C]

@uuid = bytes,

struct A {
  id: @uuid,
  foo: bytes,

struct B {
  id: @uuid,
  bar: bytes,

struct C {
  id: @uuid,
  baz: bytes,