
1. Copy Tree Sitter queries

In your Helix runtime directory (https://docs.helix-editor.com/install.html#configuring-helixs-runtime-files), copy the Tree Sitter queries from our parsers.
From the root of the Ziggy repository, run the following two commands after replacing HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH:

  • cp -rT tree-sitter-ziggy/queries HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/ziggy
  • cp -rT tree-sitter-ziggy-schema/queries HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/ziggy_schema

NOTE: '-T' makes it so you can run the command multiple times without nesting new copies of queries more deeply than intended. Also macOS doesn't support it, sorry.

2. Add Ziggy (and Ziggy Schema) to your language config

In your Helix config directory (usually ~/.config/helix/)create languages.toml and copy the following lines:

command = "ziggy"
args = ["lsp"]

name = "ziggy"
scope = "text.ziggy"
roots = []
injection-regex = "ziggy|zgy"
file-types = ["ziggy", "zgy"]
comment-token = "//"
auto-format = true
formatter = { command = "ziggy" , args = ["fmt", "--stdin"] }
language-servers = [ "ziggy-lsp" ]

name = "ziggy"
source = { git = "https://github.com/kristoff-it/ziggy", rev = "0e46579ed878bb28a78cf624c2e593eb39301648", subpath = "tree-sitter-ziggy" }

name = "ziggy_schema"
scope = "text.ziggy_schema"
roots = []
injection-regex = "ziggy-schema|zgy-schema"
file-types = ["ziggy-schema", "zgy-schema"]
comment-token = "///"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = "    " }
formatter = { command = "ziggy" , args = ["fmt", "-", "--type", "schema"] }
auto-format = true
language-servers = [ "ziggy-schema-lsp" ]

name = "ziggy_schema"
source = { git = "https://github.com/kristoff-it/ziggy", rev = "0e46579ed878bb28a78cf624c2e593eb39301648", subpath = "tree-sitter-ziggy-schema" }

command = "ziggy"
args = ["lsp", "--schema"]

3. Build Tree Sitter grammars

Run hx --grammar build, it should report that ziggy and ziggy_schema were built successfully.