Ziggy Document File Structure

File Extension

A Ziggy Document file can have either a ziggy or a zgy file extension.


A Ziggy Document encodes one Ziggy value. A very common choice is to encode a struct in a Ziggy Document, but in fact a Ziggy Document can be an array, a map, a bytes literal or even just a single null.

The following are all valid Ziggy Documents:

"hello world"
  "this": "is",
  "a": "map",
  { .more = "structs" }, 
  { .more = "glory" },

Top-level comment

A Ziggy file can contain an optional top-level comment block:

//!This is a top level comment made up of multiple lines.
//!Note that this comment should not be used to document
//!the structure of this Ziggy Document, Ziggy Schemas 
//!are much better at that.

.this = "is",
.a = "braceless struct",

Other comments

Ziggy allows you to put other comments in the document, but with some restrictions.

To put it simply, you're only allowed to put comments inside of structs, maps and arrays. In practice, this means that you can comment out array elements and map/struct fields.

.foo = bar,
//.bar = baz,
.tags = [
  //can also sneak in a comment if you really want to